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Certified EcoLeader Project Badge
Certified Campus EcoLeader

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    My EcoLeader Projects


    Lisa Madry Lisa Madry Oct '14
    Hi Hala! Thanks for joining Calling all birders!
    Hi Hala! Great to see you on here. I will be coming to GMU next Wednesday to present to the Green Patriots group - are you part of that group? If so, I look forward to meeting you in person!
    Hello. I am bombarded with homework and projects, which are all due on Wednesday. Can we talk on the phone or meet in person later?
    Mertan Hall, room 3300
    What room is it going to be in?
    Hi Mala,

    Thanks for joining the community. We are so happy to have you!
    Continue to fill in your profile, explore the site and let us know what you think!!

    Hello. Thank you for messaging me. :) My name is Hala, not Mala, lol. I am sort of confused on what to do. How does everything work out?