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Plan -
In order to effectively participate in a campaign it is important to educate yourself about the issue and the work being done to address it. Take the time to read the resource(s) of your choosing provided in the resource bank on the right to learn more about monarchs and pollinator conservation to determine how best you can help to make an impact in this important work to help our pollinators.
Applicant's First and Last Name
Christopher Belser
Check the box once completed
I learned about the Monarch campaign and the importance of Pollinators
Which resource(s) did you choose to read?
Learn about the plight of the Monarch butterfly [1], Learn about the importance of pollinators and what NWF’s doing to help [2], Read NWF’s The Campus Wild Guide to learn how schools across the country are creating pollinator habitat on their campus [3], Monarch and Pollinator Conservation [6]
Do -
Now that you’ve become educated about the work being done to help monarchs and pollinators, you can get to work and choose an action that you can take to help the cause! Be sure to be realistic in the level of impact that you’re able to take at this point and think through the resources you will need to help you accomplish your goals.
Which action(s) did you take to participate to help monarchs and/or pollinators?
Advocated for the expansion of invasive species removal programs to make it possible to re-establish native milkweed and nectar plants to the landscape, Created urban/suburban monarch habitat on campus by planting native, nectar-producing and caterpillar host plants and creating corridors for wildlife in urban and suburban areas., Encouraged your Mayor to take the Mayor’s Monarch Pledge, Hosted or support a native plant sale or milkweed seed giveaway event
If you selected Other, please describe the action you took.
I've contacted both my Mayor and my City Council representatives about the Mayor's Monarch pledge.
Communicate -
Remember the phrase, "If a tree falls in a forest and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound? Share your story! Let others know about the important action that you’ve taken to help monarchs and pollinators. Your actions will likely inspire others to learn more about the issue and get involved themselves.
Which method(s) did you use to communicate about the campaign and the action(s) you took?
Shared the action you’ve taken on social media , Communicated with campus and/or community garden groups and urge them to plant native milkweeds and nectar-producing plants
If you selected Other, please describe the method you took.
I've shared on social media and within several plant groups about the importance of native milkweed and my experiences with it in my home
Sustain -
So by now you’ve taken the time to learn about the issue, determined what action you could take to help make an impact, and communicated to others. Now it’s time to reflect on the lessons you learned through this experience and figure out what you can to do help sustain your efforts beyond your initial action.
Which action(s) did you to take to help sustain your efforts on this campaign?
If you selected Other, please describe the action you took.
I've worked with my campus to develop maintenance plans for pollinator gardens including milkweed, drawing from resources specific to my region.

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Date Added: Oct 3, 2022
Date Last Modified: Oct 13, 2022