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    Rain water collecting! Anything to do with water conservation and recycling serves one of the greatest needs we have in many US states. If you ever have a moment to share with this community what techniques you use to build the team, implement and fund the program, etc., that could be very helpful to other student leaders (and their faculty, staff and community allies) in drought-ridden states. Best!
    Good luck on your presentation tomorrow~
    HI please contact me! I live in San Marcos and go to school in Austin. Very interested.
    hey I am interested in helping out with the rain water collecting at St. Edwards. let me know a date and time and ways I might be able to help and I will get back to you.
    Hey Phoebe!

    Thanks for joining the site as a community founder and beta tester. We are so happy to have you!
    Continue to fill in your profile, explore the site and let us know what you think!!
